Publication Ethics

The editors of the Journal of the Egyptian Society of Tribology follow a rigorous peer-review process together with strict ethical standards to add high-quality scientific works to the manuscripts. In cases of plagiarism, data falsification and image manipulation the editors of the Journal of the Egyptian Society of Tribology reject the manuscripts. 

Authors aiming to publish their papers in the Journal of the Egyptian Society of Tribology must consider the followings:

      1. Data and methods used in the research need to be presented in clear details in the paper so that other researchers can replicate the work.
      2. Self-plagiarism is allowable up to 25 % of the sources.
      3. Reuse of text that is copied from another source must be between quotes followed by the citation of the original source.
      4. Image files must not be manipulated or adjusted in any way.
      5. If the manuscript includes already published figures or images, it is necessary to obtain permission from the copyright owner.
      6. Plagiarism, data fabrication and image manipulation are not accepted in EGTRIB submissions. Plagiarism includes copying text, ideas, images and data from other sources.
      7. In case of any complaints, the editorial process for the paper will be halted until the issue is resolved.