
1 Mechanical Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Suez Canal University, EGYPT

2 Production Engineering and Mechanical Design Department, Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, P. N. 61111, El-Minia, EGYPT

3 Automotive Engineering and Tractors Department, Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, P. N. 61111, El-Minia, EGYPT.


The surface properties of the strings control the comfort and quality of textiles. The measure of the smoothness and slipperiness of textiles are evaluated by the friction coefficient displayed by sliding of textiles against human skins or other textiles. The extensive use of polymeric fibers such polyester (PET) in textile industry increased the need to investigate their triboelectrification during contact/separation and sliding on cotton as well as human skin. The electrostatic charge (ESC) generated from the friction of PET strings against cotton was tested.
The present study showed that among the tested strings, PE generated the highest negative voltage followed by PET, while wool recorded the highest positive voltage followed by PMMA. Besides, the blend of wool/PET and wool/PE strings reduced ESC generated after contact/separation and sliding on cotton, where ESC decreased with the increase of the PMMA content. It was observed that, inserting Cu wires and CF in the core of polymeric strings showed drastic ESC decrease. The effect of Cu wires was more effective than CF to reduce ESC. Finally, blending the polymeric strings as well as inserting Cu wires or CF in the polymeric strings are recommended to decrease the generated ESC.
