Evaluation of the change of weight on the performance of the Front and Rear suspension system by Using Matlab Simulink

Document Type : Original Article


1 Automotive Technology Department, Faculty of Technology and Education, Sohag University, 82524, Sohag, Egypt

2 Production Technology Department, Faculty of Technology and Education, Sohag University, 82524, Sohag, Egypt

3 Production Technology Department, Faculty of Technology and Education, Helwan University, Cairo, EGYPT


There are different types of transportation, including sea, air, and land. Therefore, vehicles are essential for road transportation, providing mobility to passengers and goods. However, when roads are poorly paved, the design and performance of a vehicle's suspension system become critical. So, suspension system design is at the center of designers' attention because it plays a crucial role in improving ride quality, road handling, and ensuring the vehicle's stability while driving and the comfort of passengers. In this paper, Matlab Simulink has been used to construct a simplified half-car model and study the effect of the weight change on the rear and front suspension systems. The vertical displacement, vertical velocity (bounce), pitch angular displacement, pitch angular velocity, and upward force on the body from front and rear have been simulated. The Simulink results show when the weight increases the rear and front force increase but the increase in pitch is very small.
